Personality Profiles
Clifton Strengths Finder
According the the Clifton Strengths Finder, my top five strengths are:
- Achiever – I work hard and have a lot of stamina. I take satisfaction in being productive.
- Futuristic – Inspired by the future and what could be. I energize others with visions of the future.
- Positivity – I have contagious enthusiasm. I’m upbeat and get others excited about what they are doing.
- Includer – I’m at my best when everyone is involved and knows they are valued.
- Woo – Love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. Making connections are key.
According the the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am a solid ENFJ:
- Extrovert (E) – Interested in engaging with their environment, feed off the responses of people around me
- Intuitive (N) – Prefer to exercise my imaginations as I seek new ideas and possibilities
- Feeling (F) – Caring, compassionate, warm, protective of those they care about
- Judging (J) – Feel most comfortable when the course is well-marked, preferring clarity and closure
ENFJ profile – Forthright, love to help others, tend to have strong ideas and values
Codecademy Sorting
The Codecademy Sorting Quiz labels me as a Dot Connector:
Strategizing, context switching, long-term vision and attention to detail are my underlying strengths. I like making lists, having an impact and being the group leader. I make my mark by being good at prioritization, delegating tasks, organizing groups and encouraging others. I’m into: juggling several things at once, knowing when to keep working and when the job is done.