Today, I witnessed a true miracle. Carly gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It is almost unreal to realize that we are actually parents. First off, Carly & I both got married when we were much older than we ever anticipated, but she was absolutely worth the wait. Having married older, we had hoped to start a family as quickly as possible. When we got pregnant the first time, we were elated. We went to the OB and after they checked for a heart beat and found there was none, we were devastated. After a few months, we picked ourselves up. After another year, we got pregnant again, only to end up in another miscarriage. Then it happened to us a third time. We were at a loss. We met with multiple infertility clinics with no luck. Then we finally met with one that gave us some hope. And after five years of trying to have a baby, today, the miracle happens. I did have my moments today when I was concerned about Carly’s health and the health of the baby, but a phrase from a previous church leader kept coming to mind, “expect the miracle”. That inspired me with the comfort and faith I needed in a loving Heavenly Father that would allow me the blessing of becoming a father myself. I recognize there are others that are in more difficult circumstances and my heart goes out to them. We all have trials that test us in different ways. As for today, Carly and I cannot begin to thank our wonderful and loving friends and family who have prayed for us and exercised so much faith in our behalf. Today, all your expectations of that miracle, along with ours, was fulfilled. The most beautiful moment of today was watching Carly as we heard our baby cry for the first time. That was the moment our miracle began.